2310: a claim before the Refined Sugar Association for damages arising out of the shipment of cargoes of sugar, with liability turning on disputed factual and expert evidence. Maersk Illinois ( Maersk Line v Spliethoff Transport BV): this dispute raised an important and apparently novel question concerning the allocation of risk and responsibility under a charterparty as between the owners and charterers, regarding damage to the vessel caused by negligence of stevedores in circumstances where stevedores were appointed and paid by charterers but were also deemed to be owners’ servants.Cape Bonny v Ping an Property and Casualty Insurance: a general average dispute heard in the Commercial Court involving expert evidence as to engineering and technical ship management.The claim raises complex issues relating to jurisdiction, international sale agreements, letter of credit law and market loss. HKIAC/A17194: a dispute arising out of a sale contract for the delivery of 360,000 mt of coking coal due to be delivered in four tranches, in which the claimant alleges that the respondent wrongfully failed to deliver the final three tranches, causing it to suffer losses of US$35 million.